La Fee XS Suisse Absinthe (53%) 70cl + FREE Absinthe Spoon

La Fee XS Suisse Absinthe (53%) 70cl + FREE Absinthe Spoon

 Currently unavailable
  • Stock code
  • 1969
  • ABV
  • 53%
  • Size
  • 70cl


This extra supérieure Swiss absinthe is a clear 'La Bleue' with a smooth texture and delicate anise and herb flavour that lingers elegantly on the palate. A wine based 'amer' absinthe distilled in the birthplace of absinthe: Couvet, Val-de-Travers, Switzerland. La Fée X*S Suisse gets its unique characteristics from the high proportion of herbs used, and a slight change in the ingredients would dramatically alter its final flavour. This item is dispatched with a free complimentary La Fée branded Absinthe spoon.